India has one charger for every 135 Electric Vehicles
India has one charger for 135 electric vehicles compared to six in China.
The charging rate of the EV is 6x in China and the Netherlands, 19x in the US and 135x in India. This means there is one charger for every 135 electric vehicles in India, compared to six in China, according to a white paper from global professional services firm Alvarez and Marsal.
This paper was presented at his EVConIndia 2022 electric vehicle conference in New Delhi.

The paper highlights several key challenges affecting EV adoption, namely affordability, range insecurity, supply chains, product safety and quality, and inadequate access to finance. We discussed six key issues.
India, with its large automotive industry and environmental challenges, is ripe for future innovation and rapid adoption of electric vehicles, the paper said. If barriers to supply chain, product safety, product and battery innovation, charging infrastructure, and funding are removed, his 4,444 sub-segments of the industry will grow at compound growth rates of 50-100% over the next five years. It could grow, says the paper.
“We believe that India has the potential to become a leading global market and manufacturing hub for the EV segment if these issues can be addressed through a concerted industry effort with government support.” Alvarez & Marshall India . Sudhendu J. Sinha, Niti Aayog Advisor (Infrastructure Connectivity & Electric Mobility) said at the conference: We want to be a leading exporter (country) of EV parts and batteries.
Mr Sinha further explained that to achieve this goal, “it is important that the quality standards are first-class and companies need to have better ones.” Supply chain management and ethics should be the unwavering backbone of the industry.